Wednesday, May 27

A Moment For Quiet Memory

Today I received news that my Spanish teacher's daughter was killed in a car accident. A storm the previous night made the road slick and she lost control, running into a cement wall. I never personally had the chance to know her, but she was one of my brother's closest friends. He tells me she was a bright, cheery person who could bring a smile to anyone's face. She was planning to be a missionary to South America in the near future.

It's times like these that we want to ask why. Why does God call home those of us who seem to be on a path for His glory? It's also times like these that we need to simply follow without any questions. Sometimes it's to show us just how small each of our lives are. Sometimes it's to remind us of God's infinite power. Sometimes there is no apparent answer just yet. We must simply accept His plan and trust that those that are no longer present here, are present with Him.

She may no longer be here with us, but she won't be forgotten by those who knew her.

Here's to Peace, Love & Malarie
~ Lola

Here is the link to the news article for more information involving the accident:

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