Thursday, May 21

It Is NOT Called Running Away

I hate YouTube. I hope to be on American Idol someday. It's a dream. I think it's possible, I mean, people have said I sing nicely. So I thought, hey, maybe it'd be nice to get some constructive criticism. Unfortunately, the people on said site are either 1] naturally rude, 2] immature and annoying in real life as well, 3] took stupid pills, or maybe all three. They say comments like "ur ugly and i can sing wayyyy bettr than you. in fact my sister can sing better and shes 4".

I'm a bit quick-tempered, so my first response would be the following.

"Firstly, learn to type. Secondly, I'd love to see you actually be brave enough to put a video of yourself up for open comment. Thirdly, read the other comments. And lastly, use a bit of tact next time, jerk."

I'm sure there are alot of others out there who would say that too, or possibly even worse than that. But it's then that one must consider the consequences of said action. It would not affect the other person in the least, I'm positive. It would also bring you to their level. Tossing insult for insult accomplishes little. Most importantly, what kind of witness would that be?

The alternate route is much less rewarding at the moment, but will definitely make you feel better overall, and the best part is it leaves the other person totally confused. When someone says something totally rude and tactless, the proper response is as follows.

"No need to be quite so blunt, but thank you for your input. You might wish to be more careful how you word things. I enjoy singing, and still intend to pursue it, regardless of whether or not your four year old sister can sing better. God bless you, have a nice day. :)"

Trust me, they'll sit there trying to figure out why you're being nice to them for at least a good few minutes before writing you off as strange, and quite often leaving you alone. Plus, it'll make you sound far more mature, and at the end of the day, you will feel far better about what you said.

So even if it's hard to get the words out, get them out there and just walk away. Note that it's not running away -it's slow, deliberate walking.

In other news, I'm getting blond highlights in my hair today. Fun, fun!

Here's to Peace, Love, & Using Tact
~ Lola

P.S. I got inspiration for this post from recent comments on my YouTube videos and KJ-52's song "I Won't Ever Stop" Just in case you wanted to know that.

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