Wednesday, March 18

This dying world, You brought it back to life...

As predicted, my sore throat has indeed turned into a flu. I can't breathe very well, I definitely can't speak, and any glimpse of food makes me immensely thankful for my little trash bucket tucked behind my bed. I'm wandering around the house in a state relative to being a ghost.

And yet -

I feel the need to escape the house for a few kartwheels. Why? Because yesterday began a trend of absolutely perfect days. The sun is blanketing our little pocket of earth with a blissful 73 degrees, the last patches of snow hidden from it's rays. The grass is slowly returning to it's green state. There's even a slight breeze dancing through the leaves still scattered from fall.

It's interesting to note the contrast of the perfection outside and the dullness inside. As long as I'm trapped in gloomy dimness, I'd much rather curl up and stare at the wall; but one glance outside reminds me that it's far too beautiful to not smile. So, I think I might sneak out to the porch after lunch. Who knows - maybe my sunburn from yesterday will turn out in a nice tan after today.

Here's to Peace, Love, & Not Letting The Doldrums Get You Down,
~ Lola

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