Saturday, March 14

The Pointe Shoe Philosophy

balance [bal-uhns] – noun
1. A state of equilibrium created by equal distribution of weight

Bloch Balances [block bal-uhns-ays] – noun (pl.)
1. Pointe shoes created for the express purpose of maintaining said state

Funny how if we love something, we'll ignore the pain no matter how badly it hurts. I came to this conclusion today as I donned new pointe shoes. Well, they're not exactly new. I had this style once before. I just purchased a new pair because my old ones officially died. I used those shoes for 3 hours straight today. To not be disturbing in relating the consequences, I'll simply say that we're officially out of band-aids after getting a new box only 3 days ago.

The same basic principle can be applied to all areas of life. Take friendship, for example. Friends can hurt. They can lie to you, they can stab you in the back, they can say terrible things without thinking - most of the time, without any knowledge of what they're doing to you. But if you truly love your friend, the pain won't even cross your mind (or if it does, it's suppressed before it can reach the sensitive nerve endings in the heart)

In the same way that I'm hobbling my way through the house, band-aids sticking to the insides of my fuzzy slippers, life too will move on soon enough. It might start out awkwardly and slightly uneven, but bit by bit things will adjust until the pain isn't even there anymore.

I intended this blog to complain about my new shoes, but I think maybe my rambling stumbled upon something a bit deeper. A bit more important. Maybe it can help someone out there who's dealing with a bit of hurt from someone.

Here's to Peace, Love, & Maintaining Equilibrium
~ Lola

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