Friday, July 17

Finally Getting Back

It's been over a week since I got back from Wyoming, and I haven't really been the same since the trip. But today, I think I'm finally getting back to my old routines. FiveScore and Seven Years Ago is back on shuffle, I actually woke up instead of sleeping until 9:00, I feel like maybe I'm alive again instead of just making it from morning to night. Funny, I finally get back into routine the day before I leave again. But this trip won't change me. Much. If it does, I'll just come back even more of a fangirl, which isn't all too bad. For me.

I looked back this morning and wondered what exactly brought about the sudden change back. I didn't look for long until I found the reason. For about a week before my trip (until apparently a week after) I've been spending the last five minutes of each day praying. My prayers usually included a request for forgiveness, thanking God for my family and my friends, and then I'd drift off to dreams. Last night I stopped and realized just how far away from God that really had made me. So last night I did something different. I spent over thirty minutes in prayer as opposed to five. And today, I finally feel alive again.

If you've been following my logic, you may come to the conclusion that prayer is what makes me a fangirl. That's not exactly the direction I was trying to go with this. I think what I'm trying to say by all this is that when I'm closer to God, I'm closer to being myself. I'm closer to being a happy, somewhat cynical, but mostly happy individual.

So anyone out there who's just not quite feeling like yourself, maybe all you need is some extra time alone with God. Who knows, the next day you could wake up more alive too!

Here's to Peace, Love & Getting Back,

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