But this is not about ungulates defying gravity.
This is about learning to deal with whatever comes your way. In this case, it’s dealing with our entire state being forced to cancel public gatherings for the next 5 days due to a certain flu. No church, no public parties, no ballet… The church I can do without this week, seeing as how I’m in the process of finding a new church anyway. The ballet…well…can’t really do without that since there are only two weeks until showcase. Not that I care. I know my parts well enough for now, so let’s just say I can go without that too. That leaves the parties. And that poses a problem. Remember when my friends wanted to take me to The Rainbo Palace for a birthday surprise? That’s tomorrow. And the lockdown lasts 5 days. So, of course, my mother is relatively crushed since she planned it all and I’m wondering what I’m going to do with 9 copies of a mix CD that were supposed to be given out to all the guests. I can’t say I’m not disappointed too. It’s rare that any friends I have ever get to know me, and I won’t have these ones for much longer, so this was going to be the way to end it all with a bang. And now here is where the “learning to deal with whatever comes your way” comes in. I have two options in this situation. 1] Sit in my room staring at the wall tomorrow wishing it worked out. Or 2] Pick up a few of the ex-guests and play the 9 copies of the mix CD while we all stare at the wall together. They might both sound boring, but at least with Option 2, there’ll still be a chance of something fun. Who knows, maybe we can make our own Rainbo Palace. … Okay, no, on second thought, I don’t want unicorns painted on my wall.
ANYWAY, for those who don’t really want to hear about my life and just want to get to the moral of the story here: when things don’t turn out right, you always have two options. The first is always to let the bad times get the best of you and mope all alone. The second is to do what you can to make it work a different way. To quote Miley Cyrus (which is a one-time thing that I will later swear I never did) “life’s what you make it, so let’s make it rock!”
Here’s to Peace, Love, & Not Letting The