Saturday, September 19

When It Rains, It Pours, But When It Doesn't...

"drought n. 1. A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions"

Let's be literal for just a minute.
Drought is when it doesn't rain for a long time. Crops go bad, the flowers die, grass goes brown, and things get a thin film of dust. We're currently in one. The corn already got harvested around here, most of the flowers in the garden are already dead, and the grass going brown just means I won't have to mow it for a while. The dust, I must say, can be quite annoying. I keep thinking that maybe I should write "Wash Me" on the back window of the car. Maybe some nice person will lend me $5 so it can go through one of those automatic fluoride wash places that make your car smell like toothpaste.

But the point is, it's a drought. It's a gradual thing that isn't good, but life adjusts around it.

Now, they don't expect this drought to last much longer. They expect rain every day next week. They already predict flash flood warnings. The farmers let out a sigh of relief, my mom can sleep at night knowing her mums will survive, the grass will have one last breath of green before fall, everybody who will get stuck behind me in traffic couldn't be happier, and I can't wait to fall asleep listening to the sound of the rain hitting the rooftops. Even if it floods, our town happens to be on a hill, so the most that will happen is a little water will be running down the streets.

Point is, floods happen overnight and life can't adjust fast enough to keep up. When it rains, it pours.

Let's be figurative now.

Lately, for me at least, life's been a really long drought. Things have been going slowly downhill, but life's been adjusting to it.
But that's just not how life works, is it?
Seemingly out of nowhere, as of five days ago, the rain of life has begun to fall and it hasn't stopped yet. The raindrops hit the ground accompanied by the soft echo of adventure. Some things happening aren't exactly appreciated, but they're outnumbered by the outrageous number of happy occurrences. When it rains, it pours, it really does, and it's brought me back to life again.

Now if only the real rain would fall already. I'm about ready for everything else to come back to life too.

Here's To Peace, Love, & Listening To The Rain Fall